
When checking my private mail with Eudora from work I leave the messages on 
server because I (usually) want them downloaded from The Bat! at home. 
However, certain messages I could as well delete immediately. With Eudora 
this is done very easily by right clicking on the mail and select "Change 
Server Status->Delete". On the next mail fetch the message is deleted from 

I know I can do the same with TB!'s mail dispatcher, but IMO Eudoras method 
is a lot more convenient. What about implementing this feature in TB!? 
Since you already have implemented the mail dispatcher, I think it wouldn't 
be to hard to add this feature?

It would at least make me migrate from Eudora to TB! at work (if I can 
convince my boss to invest in a TB! license for me, I sure hope I can :-)

Marcus Ohlström

Sending this from Eudora...

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