Hello Markus / Stefan

>> Here everything shows up fine...

> I know this might be heresy, but did you try it with a freshly installed
> beta or RC?
OK - I've just installed everything from scratch on a new PC, starting
at 1.53d release version, and adding every RAR over the top.. and
testing. Here are my comments

a) The GUI is confusing in that "Subscribed only" checkbox defaults to
OFF, when it should default to ON - as that is what is displayed then
going into the folder view initially

b) When pressing Reset Mask (Cntrl M), it **takes some time** to
actually do a retrieve the folder list. (We have a couple of thousand
IMAP folders on Exchange, and even on a 100Mb LAN it takes a few
seconds to refresh). During this time, the GUI is live - but there is
no "BUSY" indicator, therefore buttons (like Subscribed only) continue
to work and appear to give odd results. If you wait.. (without
clicking madly) the folder list will be retrieved. It would be good if
the GUI set the busy status whilst doing this folder query.

c) When selecting Reset Mask, you get a "Mailbox" dropdown which
   1) Doesn't reflect the currently highlighted mailbox, and is
   therefore counter intuitive (it is a list of all folders)
   2) Although you CAN clear the mailbox mask by over-typing, there is
   no indication that you need to. Better would be to add a button to
   clear this field, and convert the dropdown into an uneditable
   picklist. It would make more sense this way.
   3) Re-naming the mask to be "Subfolder mask" would be clearer too.

In conclusion.. Stefan is right. Functionally there is no difference
between ANY of the versions, although I was confused by the problems
with the "slow" rate of screen refresh on the IMAP folder view. If you
give the UI time, it does work correctly, and the currently release
candidate does behave identically to 1.53d

Using The Bat! 1.60 RC/2
under Windows NT 4.0 
(Build 1381, Service Pack 6)

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