Hello Kevin,

On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 08:23:45 AM -0700, you wrote
the following in regards to "Reply numbering in the subject":

> I find it's actually helpful, since I can sort out replies a bit better.
> I don't find the extra three characters to be that cumbersome in the
> subject line either.  But to each his own :)

Yes, but the point I was trying to make is that the numbering should not
be on by default, because TB is the only Client that does that, and sooner
or later you are going to be posting Replies to other Public Lists and
Newsgroups where Users are not using TB. It will only be your Replies that
have numbers in them, and that will invariably draw the ire of some

It may be a good thing to some... the problem being it is not universal.

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