Hello David,

On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 10:06:28 AM (-0700), you typed
the following in reference to "More Visual Problems !":

> As far as Ritlabs is concerned it's not a bug. I reported it as a bug a
> few months ago but it was closed because 'it's not a bug'. Have a look
> at Bugtrack:
> https://bt.ritlabs.com/view_bug_advanced_page.php?f_id=0000313

I received a Reply from Ben Mills on this very subject, and he reported
the following from RFC2396:

RFC2396 (URI: Generic Syntax):

"For resiliency, programs interpreting URI should treat upper case letters
as equivalent to lower case in scheme names (e.g., allow "HTTP" as well as

Now I must admit that I have searched through that RFC and cannot find the
section nor sentence he quoted, but I am sure that a Uniform Resource
Indicator can be either upper or lower case... It should not matter.

The fact that TB renders those URI's differently between the RTV and the
Fixed-width Viewer is reason enough to wonder what Standard RITLabs is
adhering to. Besides, every other Mail Client I've tried, including
Outlook, Eudora (both of which are pretty main stream) and Becky all
render the mixed case URI's properly as hot links.

TB and SecureBat's RTV is the *only* Client... and even at that we are
only talking about the RTV... not to conform to the Standard, or so it
would appear. Is it a bug? I suppose it all depends on who you are talking
to. ;o)  From where I sit, if it's not a bug then at the very least
RITLabs are not following a generally accepted protocol.

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