Hello Stefan,

Could you please give me a simple explanation as to how the mail
databases are 'compressed?'  It's my guess that the TBI file is
read, and the TBB file is copied (less the deleted messages in
the file) and copied to a new file, which is finally renamed to
MESSAGES.TBB.  What I'd like to know is;

1.  Where is the temporary file written during compression?

2.  What is the order in which the process runs?

As an aside, I'd like to help test the message base repair
utility, as I presently have 2 message bases that are 'broken'
due to exceeding maximum FAT32 file size.  I CAN read the files
(if converted to messages.UUE) in WinZip, but cannot get the file
reduced to where TB! can handle it again.  A possible remedy
would be to be able to 'split' the file into two equal smaller
parts, then delete some messages and compress the files before
merging them back together.  The trick would be to be sure the
proper messages & attachments are included together in each file!

Warmest tropical regards,

"A bad day with Reagan or Bush was better than any day with

Using TheBat! v1.61 hamstrung by Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195
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