On Sunday, August 17, 2003, 8:41 AM, you wrote:

DRS>> Not being one to enjoy stepping through unregistered and "This version
DRS>> will expire in xxx couple of days." I have gone back to 1.63b9 as the
DRS>> only new version of The_Bat! that I can run legally is v2b1 which had
DRS>> some rather show stopping problems with it's IMAP implementation and
DRS>> being as 7 out of 9 of my accounts are IMAP I had no choice.

 I only have ONE IMAP account ( and a free one at that), but I expect it
 to at least work. I could even ( and will ) go back to 163/beta 5 only
 becasue the beta2 gives me too many serious errors and problems, such
 access violation errors and a refusal to close.
 trash can not emptying,
 read count errors
 duplicate messages in preview window

 really the first error is the show stopper. If the program won't close
 right, I can't use it.


Robert F. Smith, Congressman (Ore.), was an Eagle Scout.

 Current beta is 2.0b2 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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