Hello The Bat! beta users and developers,

It's customer feedback from the Hungarian users list, I don't use this
function so someone please comment on it.

Peti Lajos wrote (translated):
-------------------------><8---------CUT HERE--------------------------
The new "Delete large messages from server" function doesn't work
correctly. If it's unchecked, but "Delete received messages from
server" is checked, then it doesn't delete the large message from the
server at first, but an alert message appears in the inbox with the
header of the large message. However, the second time I check my mail,
it deletes the large message, though "delete large messages..." is
unchecked. WHY? It should leave it on the server! It'd be very good if
an important message couldn't be lost this way, if the user forgets to
retrieve it instantly. It'd be a great bonus for dialup users.

In older versions, if you specified a max. message size, then TB
wouldn't retrieve mail greater than that size, but if "delete received
messages from server" was checked (as is, you wouldn't leave ALL your
mail on the server), then TB deleted it immediately, and your
potentionally important message was gone. I think this new function
has come to avoid this situation. It is better, but not quite perfect!
-------------------------><8---------CUT HERE--------------------------

Cheers, SyP

Life would be easier if I had the source code.

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