
A simple setup: one account, lots of subfolders.

A simple disaster: mail server went down, I needed another account to
 check mail on another server.

A seemingly simple solution: create a new account and filter all
messages to the original account.

The problem?

All messages end their filtering career in the Inbox, and are never
checked again!
What is the easy way to get around this??

 |\  /|      \~~~/     \~~~/   WWW: http://none :(
 | \/ |  /\   > <  \~/  > <    E-M: maxxx[at]
 |____| /__\ /___\ /_\ /___\   ICQ: 3146019
Nothing is so liberally given as advice.   

over the swamps of Windows 2000 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4
Crawling all over the floor with The Bug! v chairs, tables, toilets, walls and Windows 
2000 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4

 Current beta is 2.00.06 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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