Hallo Thorvald,

Op een woensdag 12 november 2003 om 13:11:29 schreef jij over "POP3 mail stuck":

TN> Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 12:59, Foster, Graham wrote:
>> I'm using Bayesit (as reported previously)
TN> OK, I can confirm this behaviour. I have also installed BayesIt...

 me three.

 -=/ Rubeo /=-
"One who lives in the present lives in eternity."
    - Ludwig Wittgenstein
The Bat! 2.01.26 [6D8E4564], running on Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.01.26 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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