On Friday, November 21, 2003 at 20:27 Roel wrote:

DH>> extracting and exchanging the 26 build with the new one, my column
DH>> settings for the MT folder were screwed up.

> Here it has happened with *all* my folders :s

I've reverted to 2.01.26. I have over 500 folders that .49 all
reverted to 'Use folder own settings' (which I, but I'm no native
speaker, think would look better as 'Use folder specific settings').
This is Not Good(tm).

In the short time I've tried .49, I've noticed the following:

* Use account default settings is lost on all folders that had this

* Setting a folder to 'Use account default column settings' results in
TB! grabbing all CPU power (goes to 100% if nothing else is running);
I haven't waited for more than half a minute to see if it would regain
consiousness. As a result, it is no longer possible to reset the
column to another setting.

* I created a new View mode for my personal favourite column setting.
After saving it for the first time and re-opening it, strange things
happened to the column widths I selected. 117 -> 167; 21 -> 24; 35 ->
52, 69 -> 79, 380 -> 253 (these are the ones I remember, of each pair,
the first one was what I set the width to, the second one what the
width was listed as upon re-editing the view mode.

* After fixing the column widths to my personal preferences, every OK
on this dialog results in an AV. The values are saved now though.

* When I first created the view mode, I didn't add anything to the
filter tab; it was empty, upon editing the view mode after initial
save, an item 'Sender contains [    ]' was added. Attempts to remove
it either through the button at the bottom or through the context menu
proved futile.

* Selecting the view mode as it was now for a folder, resulted in an
empty message list.

So, I have the distinct impression that this feature isn't 'tip-top'
yet, or at least incomplete. In its current incarnation I think I'll

Also, I was wondering what the option 'Distribute columns' is supposed
to do. Will this only work to distribute a set of settings used by
'Use folder own settings' to other folders with this setting? It would
be useful if it would also be possible to mass-adjust the view mode of
multiple folders, or at least have the option to quickly set all
subfolders to 'use parent' so one would only need to change the
top-level folders once.

If these quirks are resolved, I think we have a real winning feature
added to TB!, one I'm glad I asked for on the wishlist.


Using The Bat! v2.01.26 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

 Current beta is 2.01.49 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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