Dierk Haasis, [DH] wrote:

DH> BTW, do you again have a new key, you are shown as "Unknown
DH> Signer"?

Yes, I have a new key, signed using my previous key that's now revoked.
I had to change keys because the encryption subkey expired and
recreating a new one caused some to still read that they key was
expired. To avoid confusion, I just created a new key. Hopefully, I'll
get at least as long a term of service from it.

DH> And when we are at it, I currently only get the PGPLog, not the new
DH> text part in TB with the extensive info as before.

Yes. This has always been the case when using the integrated PGP
support. At least when using v8.xx..

 -= allie_M =- | List Moderator
PGPKeys: http://www.ac-martin.com/pgpkeys.html
Using TB! v2.01.49 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

Attachment: pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 2.01.49 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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