Hello Mark!

On Saturday, December 6, 2003 at 2:43:40 PM you wrote:

> However TB! still doesn't seem to be able to make a "normal" reply to an HTML
> message. The result can be seen in Attachment 2. Is that what you and Cees
> were talking about?

Not quite. I wasn't creating an answer to Mogens' message but merely
looking at it.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 2.02 CE RC on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Vorsicht bei der Beurteilung von Menschen. Manchmal steckt hinter der
Clownsmaske - ein Clown. (D.A. Wien)

 Current beta is 2.01.56 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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