Jonathan Angliss wrote:

JA> Though you say that, and the behaviour is inconsistent. I have it
JA> unchecked, and the reply window decides to reopen randomly (does
JA> sometimes, doesn't others). The ticker window doesn't always close
JA> when I do have it checked... it's all weird ;)

Agreed. I think you're using keyboard shortcuts to reply and send,
aren't you? I do too and didn't realize the feature existed until I
needed to redirect a message. I used the toolbars redirect button and
the ticker folder view window disappeared.

Initially, I thought only the window closing only worked with the
toolbar buttons since CTRL-Enter wasn't doing it before, so I
specifically tried the shortcuts defined in the 'message' menu. The
Window disappeared each time. I then tried CTRL-Enter again, and the
window disappeared. There's some inconsistency. I'll see if I can
detect a pattern.

      -=allie_M=- | List Moderator
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