Hello Marck,

  A reminder of what Marck D Pearlstone typed on:
  23 December 2003 at 18:37:09 GMT +0000

MDP> This is not the correct advice. Anybody following this thread, do
MDP> not go to this web address to register.

 I did manage to find the correct address while looking for something
 completely different. I introduced my mate to The Bat and duly got him to
 register it. I seem to have been a little too hasty in my excitement to get
 him registered for Beta's and on this list.

 I sent a post to this effect as soon as I realised, but it would appear not
 soon enough to stem the flood of replies.

 My thanks to those who did reply though.


Best regards,    Tony.   
 The Bat! v2.03.16     23/12/2003 at 18:45 UTC    2ии3 - AWB

 Current beta is 2.03.10 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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