Some first issues encountered after upgrading from b14 to b16:

- Most of my address books are no longer available from the toolbar icon.
- No address books are available from the address picker on the To: etc
- Virtual folders )with reference to a VF which uses fast-search for
  unread TB msgs and has auto-refresh enabled):
  - Auto-refresh does not seem to be functioning (it did here in b14)
  - Using refresh from the popup shows something like 4 unread msgs out
    of 0 msgs in the VF (all original msgs are marked read)

Now first going to try to get my address books back . . .

Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
E: unknown
- - -

PS: using V2.05b16 on W2K-SP4

 Current beta is 2.05 beta 16 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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