Hi all,


   This message gives a detailed discription of a problem I'm having
   with TB! IMAP on a slow connection where message attributes aren't
   being correctly changed on the server.


   This message touches on another serious problem I'm having with TB!'s
   IMAP and I think it would be greatly improved by allowing TB! to
   establish multiple connections with the server. In this way while
   TB! is doing one task such as syncing a folder or updating mailbox
   message counts, my request to retrieve a message body can be
   carried out by another connection. This would then lead to a much
   reduced waiting time during use over slow connections. There's
   concern about IMAP servers and multiple connections, but
   ThunderBird, Mulberry, Gemini and Pegasus, the only clients worth
   mentioning all implement multiple server connections.

**** The mid searching is getting tedious so I'll just list. :)
3) We need, on a per message and not only a mailbox basis, to be able
   to download only a messages body and delay transfer of attachments
   until we expressly request it. It's terrible having to wait for a
   large attachment to be transferred on a slow connection when all one
   really wishes to do is to read the text. Ideally, we should have a
   threshold setting where attachments below a certain size is
   autotransferred locally, while large ones are not loaded unless

   Setting the mailbox to sync only message bodies is not good enough
   since that will happen to all messages. We need a more selective
   system than that.

4) Despite testimonies to the contrary, I'm still having a lot of
   problems with using a server side Outbox. Copies of the message are
   being left in the Outbox after sending. I usually end up with two
   copies with each send. Additionally, autosaving leads to a fresh new
   *separate* draft being saved to the outbox with each autosave.

5) Incoming mail sounds are not working with IMAP. Hopefully a
   solution is in the making.

6) Auto-filtering not working - I see this is being worked on.

7) Access Violations *STILL* occur when working with the Manage IMAP
   folders panel. I've been getting them while trying to delete
   multiple IMAP folders, one after the other. What I end up having
   to do is to delete one, close the panel, reopen the panel and hope
   the AV doesn't occur. If it occurs then I have to restart TB!
   before I can delete another folder.

8) Support for IMAP server specific message colouring. The colour
   groups system is TB! specific and difficult to use across different
   IMAP clients. Not to mention that storing colour group attributes
   on the server is a likely problem.

   AFAIK, the IMAP protocol already supports specific standard colour
   label attributes which would be very useful to implement.

9) Moving messages from an IMAP to a local folder is problematic when
   being done with large numbers of messages. The movement of messages
   hangs at about 300 and will not continue further. I have to restart
   TB! to continue. I currently move large amounts of messages by
   doing an export operation from the IMAP folder and then import the
   exported messages locally. I then delete the exported messages from
   the IMAP mailbox.

   Even the export/import exercise is not without problems. At times
   when doing the operation with multiple mailboxes, an export
   operation fails. I hit the export command and nothing happens. A
   restart resolves the problem. The failure of the export happens
   usually after having done an export from another mailbox.

There may be others, but these are the ones that immediately come to
mind. I've previously written about all these problems.

-=[ Allie ]=- (List Moderator and fellow end-user)

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