Allie Martin wrote:

IMAP autofiltering now seems to work quite smoothly, i.e., without the AV's and cache corruptions as before. I'm quite pleased that it works but not without a couple cosmetic issues.

Agreed :-)

When a new Inbox message is filtered, the Inbox count registers the message. So for a moment the Inbox seems to contain the message and it changes colour status. The folder then changes back to unread status and the new message count is like 1 <*> . Finally with the next sync, the folder is back to having nothing in it. Will this distraction be dealt with or is this how it will work?

This is something that I also find distracting/confusing :-/

When a mail is received into IMAP and a filter is in place, the folder
status changes briefly before the message is filtered and then I get the
<1> etc as described by Allie. Following this, the mail is moved to the new
IMAP folder with this folder also containing a <1> in brackets. This
remains the situation until I click into the folder where the message
has been filtered to and the folder then changes colour status and count
as expected. Then on re-entering the Inbox, the same amendment is made
to the count.

The thing is, while the message has been filtered from the Inbox to the
relevant folder, TB! doesn't flag up the fact that there is new unread
mail. So until I physically click into TB! and then the filtered folder,
it'll stay in this state.

Unless of course, I've missed a key setting in TB! that will do this
form me :-)

Although not on TB! now, I believe the settings are to update folders
every 1 minute whilst connected etc.


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