1. An Inbox-known folder created in accounts but not on server when I
first clicked on the accounts. Happened for each IMAP account I have -
5 of them - as soon as I clicked anywhere inside the account.

2. On one IMAP account, "non-standard" folders I had were recreated as
plain old folders. There's one folder that was recreated twice and
after trying to wipe it four times only to have it reappear, I
checked the folder on the hard drive to make sure there wasn't some
kind of problem there and there was no folder. The only thing that
fixed it was doing folder maintenance. Folder maintenance then hung
about 90% through and I had to cancel it. It cancelled. I tried again
and this time it completed. The folder no longer appeared...for a
while.  Added a filter and when I browsed the folders to pick a folder
to filter the message to, it came back.  Closed it down, went to the
folder tree, checked.  Sure enough.  Folder was there.  Deleted.
Reopened.  Now, another of the folders is duplicating itself.


Before          After

Inbox           Inbox-known
Outbox          Inbox
Trash           Trash
Sent Mail       Sent Mail
lists           lists (regular folder)
action          lists (regular folder)
                action (regular folder)

All of the regular folders were empty and there were messages in the
correspondingly named IMAP folders.


Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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