Hi 9Val!

even (on 02.08.2004 at 19:54) did you write:

> New  filtering system is one of the major goals of current beta cycle.
> It is not fully implemented yet, but everybody risky enough can toggle
> it  on  in  account  settings. It should automatically convert current
> filters to new system.

First: What means Lucky? Must i have luck to get it work? ;)
Why must i access the new filtering system via ctrl+shift+alt+t?
Btw: I can't get no filters to work..None :(
If you want to test a new filtering system, i think that only one
filter manager must be available for beta testers.

> BTW,  this version will introduce UI improvements, so you can ask Robo
> everything   you   want   to   know  about  new  headers  control and
> customization  of  toolbars.  He said that new headers control will be
> available for testing in next beta.

Who is Robo?



 Current beta is 2.13 'Lucky' Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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