Hello Gary,

On 01 September 2004, 18:58 -0500 (02/09/200400:58 local time) Gary [G]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


G> I only mentioned it as I am now tracking problematic IMAP servers using TB!
G> and this would help me. If you recall, someone previously had problems with
G> Courier IMAP, enough so, that a specific fix was offered in the TB! account
G> properties... I am trying to get a feel for those IMAP servers, no matter
G> what OS is used, or what mail format they use, which have problems with TB!,
G> and what those problems are, which you were kind enough to indicate.


I use UW-IMAP with mbx... That is, all messages are stored in a single
file, which is seen by the client as a selectable folder containing
messages. Physical folders that contain these files should be

For instance, the default setting on my system (ClarkConnect 2.2) is as



mail/ should non-selectable. Moreover, you cannot see this folder using
Squirrelmail (albeit there may be an option to view these folders) and
in Thunderbird the folder is visible (grey) but non-selectable.

G> Try setting the Root folder in IMAP options to
G> either INBOX or INBOX/  or INBOX.  see what happens..

This is set to /home/user-id/ but it makes little difference either way.

One thing I have noticed is that TB! sometimes takes an inordinate
amount of time to refresh the folder list and after this is done _all_
folders are grey with the exception of Inbox, (Sent and Outbox*.) They
only return to black after a restart or if I Abort all in the CC.
However, as soon as another folder is selected all folders not processed
return to grey.

Also, TB! sometimes seems to get bogged down executing a command (e.g.
scanning a folder) with loads of other commands queued up... then
it's time for a restart (or frequent use of Abort all.)

Overall the latest build is a very good IMAP experience. However, I do
use Procmail for filtering now.

*These are local folders. I use a local Sent Mail folder and then
automatically copy messages to the server's Sent folder.

Best regards,
Martin Webster
Jabber mjw | ICQ 15893823

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Windows XP Professional 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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