Hello tbbeta,

I just connected TB v3 to our Exchange server via IMAP - works good so
far (only I am totally unfamiliar with IMAP *g*)

Question: s there a way to delete (not extract) an attachment? I see
that the NFS allows matching a filename, but there is no action to
"delete attachment" ... do I oversee something?

(we're getting the same "terms & conditions" file from one of our
creditors with each and every order confirmation, and that file is
100kB in size - we're getting 15 to 20 order confirmations a day and
my heart bleeds seeing space wasted like this - its very redundant
redundant - up to now I have configured GFI MailSecurity to auto-strip
the attachment, but it leaves a "securitynotice.txt" because it
stripped the attachment... if anyone can still follow me? *g*)

Best regards,
 Alexander                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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