Hello Nick,

On 06 September 2004, 13:02 -0700 (06/09/200421:02 local time) Nick
Andriash [NA] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Anyway, try Options->Preferences->Display Connection Centre and select
>> either Hide or Automatically.

NA> That's the problem though... I have 'automatically' chosen, but once the
NA> messages have been downloaded, I'm still left with a blank CC that 'should'
NA> disappear according to my preferences.

Are you using POP3 or IMAP?

Best regards,
Martin Webster
Jabber mjw | ICQ 15893823

The Bat! Version
Windows XP Professional 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
IMAP: UW-IMAP (mbx mail storage format) on ClarkConnect 2.2 (Red Hat 9.0)

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