Hail Marcus

On 10 September 2004 at 13:05:04 +0200 (which was 12:05 where I live) Marcus
Ohlström wrote

>> Where as I was getting duplicate messages in my contact/name folder
>> and one in my list/Listname folder, I am now getting one message in my
>> contact/name folder. Which is the second of the filters to be hit.

>> The three filters Spam,List and Contact are designed to catch all mail
>> so that they will activate the sub filters. They also have 'Continue
>> filtering' option activated.

>> The option 'Continue filtering' if set on a top level appears to be
>> over ride the lower level filter.

> This is by design, see <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

This is one of the massages that I did not have.

> Since you have "Continue processing with other filters" checked, the
> messages are processed with all filters and the last "Move" action is the
> one deciding where the messages ends up.

This logic is wrong.

This means that you have to build the filters the wrong way round. i.e. the
ones at the top of the list are the last ones that you want to use.

> Uncheck "Continue processing with other filters" on your top level
> filters and you will be fine.

No I won't.

This leads to

SPAM filter will catch all mail
The next sub filters then decide if it is really SPAM.
It is not caught by these filters.
Stop processing.

> This is exactly as it should work, IMO.

IMNSHO it is totally the wrong way round.

Logic to me states the following.

Start filtering
Is message caught by Filter?
No ..:- Carry on to next filter
Yes .:- Carry out action as described by filter ?
        Is there any sub - filters ?
        No ..:- Stop (unless there is a continue processing flag)
        Yes .:- Is message caught by Sub filter ?
                No ..:- Carry on to next sub filter
                Yes .:- Carry out action of sub filter

So what is actually happening now is.

Apply the last filter action, so I have to build my filters the wrong way

A message from Marck to TBBETA is processed by the following filters.

SPAM ......:- Do nothing but continue to sub filters
LIST ......:- Do nothing but continue to sub filters
TBBETA ....:- Move message to TBBETA folder (but don't really because there
              might be more filters)
CONTACT ...:- Do nothing but continue to sub Filters
MARCK .....:- Move message to Marck folder.

So what was happening before is that on the TBBeta filter it was copying
(not moving) and the message was still present in the in-box when the Marck
filter was hit. So a fresh copy was made into the Marck folder and when the
filtering was finished the message was deleted.

My point (two of them is)

1) When a filter has been activated it should not pass control to another
filter if the 'Continue processing' option is not checked.

2) When I ask for a message to be moved then it should be moved not copied
and marked for deletion at the end of filtering.

 See you in Cyber space,   _______________________________________________
  David                   |     David  Elliott     |  Software  Engineer  |
 _________________________|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | PGP KeyID 0x650F4534 |
| You know you're old when you start to for...what was I saying?          |

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