Somewhere around here I read that version 3's Pro flavor would have 
an encrypted message base.  I had downloaded the evaluation copy of 
the Pro app that's on the Ritlabs main page, and I've put some Beta 
versions on top of that.  The latest on my machine is the latest 
generally available, B15.  The message base, however, is not 
encrypted.  When using Mailbag Assistant to look at a .tbb file, it's 
all there in plain text.  What's the story on this?


jbn'won'oh'won'six'won' at 'gee'em'ex' dot net
Substitute digits or letters for the words between " ' "

 Current beta is 3.00.15 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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