Hello dAniel!

On Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 11:59:15 AM you wrote:

> Changing it would be the best option IMHO.

Not in mine.

As Pit pointed out (and me, too) the problem does not lie with TB's
X-Mailer header but with sloppy sysads and developers of spam
recognising sw.

Yes, sometimes I use Opera's browser spoofing to get past a lazy,
superfluous sniffing script. But I shouldn't. The three big browsers
(IE, Mozilla in all its tastes, and Opera) don't have any trouble with
most of what is used on the Web. currently only two sites pose
problems to me: All Music Guide (after its initial, unusable,
re-launch, working with Opera but still having rendering quirks) and
the Java menu of Marantz.

Point being: The user should decide what works and what not. In the
case of e-mail, it is not some ISP I want to decide what I want to
read and what not - or what loops senders have to jump through to get
mail to me.

Dierk Haasis
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