Wednesday, October 13, 2004 
you made me smile when just_typing_or_writing:

> I'd kill anyone who sent me a 70MB email, whether multi-part or not. I
> have my own server for most accounts I use, with no limitation on
> mailbox sizes, but I'd kill him anyway.
People are different, and a product such as TB is should match each and
every user's needs. Maybe you just disliked such a mail if only you knew
what is inside ;-) So maybe you are urged to do some work with such a
giant and the ftp-server is down... good to know that TB is still your
friend and you probably would wrap your arms around the black neck of TB
if this program still catches all the data you got to have. Am I right?

> Anyway, although there may be other issues involved in processing such a
> message (RAM limitations, etc.) maybe TB should be able to process it
> and maybe it doesn't do so because of a bug.
Not to upset you, just to let you know: the 1.6x could handle such
XXL-things perfectly, the stable releases of V 2.xx (and there were
some) could handle even over 200 megs ( I tried!) without any complaint.
My RAM was always sufficient for TB, just the 3.xx are crashing when
trying to do so.

> In any case, if a bug, I
> would never consider it a show stopper.
I agree with you as far as it does not concern an average use(r) of TB.
That's why I haven't written my newly spotted partial weakness as reply
to Stefan's "post your show stoppers here" It is not a show stopper as
long as TB is fully functional -what a difference in perspective, when
you can get TB down by just one mail. There is one mail in my inbox, it
is not accessible, but harmless when not forced to be shown in preview
pane. But if you decide to preview it, you wil not have any fun with TB
anymore. It must be killed by TaskManager.
I expect TB to
1) show the subject of any mail which has one
   (it still does not in newest version)
2) be less RAM-consumptive when assembling such a XXL-mail (1,48 Gigs is
   not enough for 70 megs?) =>"out of memory"-dialogue appears.
3) show a warning, if the file definitely is too large or truncated or

> A 70MB email! Oh dear!
Surely not an everyday-bread-and-butter-mail, I actually do this mostly
for testing. But there was a time (and maybe it will be even for you)
when you might depend on it. When the going gets tough, TB gets going

thanks for reading
Charlene Ferrara

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