On Sunday, 17 October 2004 at 12:43 (UK time), George Mitchell said:

> Create a new filter, but don't edit it in any way.  Close and reopen
> the Sorting Office and it's still there.  Close and restart TB!, open
> the Sorting Office and it's gone.

I've had a lot of problems with filters this weekend. What I've
experienced may be related to what you have seen. I've edited many filters
and closed the dialog. On the next editing session they've reverted to
their original state. It appears that I have to click on another filter
before the first one changes permanently especially when moving from one
account to another. Just clicking 'OK' isn't always enough to make the
changes sticky.

May be the common problem is that the disk files are not being fully
updated at the right time and a program close and restart reverts the
filters to their previous state?
Paul White

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