9val, [9] wrote:

AM>> Mulberry gives you the choice of when filtering occurs, i.e., fully
AM>> automatic, automatically upon selecting the folder, automatically upon
AM>> exiting the folder. :)

> Actually TB! filters messages automatically upon selecting the folder,
> perhaps  your  filters  contain conditions which narrow filtering area
> (or 'Source folder', or limited set in 'Folders' tab)

Actually, they do. I recall early in the beta cycle, my filters would
start working on folders all over my folder tree. Then came as a
solution, the ability to specify which folder the IMAP filter would
work on. So my Inbox filters are set to work only with the Inbox.

AM>> Thanks for sharing these. I do disagree with collapsing them and not
AM>> detailing them, even as a subgroup list to 'minor fixes'. As an IMAP
AM>> user, they're not that boring to read. :) I personally like seeing
AM>> exactly what was done, and I do appreciate fixes as those above.

> Another today's minor issue:
> [+]  correct  priority  icons  are  shown for messages with downloaded
> headers/bodies

Fabulous.  However, I'm unable to confirm. I'm using the default v3
high colour icons. I sent myself a high priority message and the high
priority icon doesn't show. But then again, it doesn't show for a
local folder so....

-= Allie =-
..... One picture is worth 128K words.
IMAP Client: The Bat!™ v3.0.1 RC3 | SquirrelMail WebMail
IMAP Server: Mdaemon Pro | OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 1)

 Current beta is 3.0.1 RC/3 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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