Hello Miguel!

On Sunday, October 17, 2004, 9:48 AM, you wrote:

MB>> [No forgiveness] Not even for a cup of coffee? ;)
M> No, not this time.

There is a nice beer awaiting you in the fridge here. For that, you
would forgive me?

MB>> However, the Cancel button is still needed,
M> Definitely.

And to the BT Reports which you earlier requested support for. I have
been, and added my notes.


Does that redeem me?

MB>> You're not going to kill me, are you?
M> No, I'll only go as far as Lisbon to kill someone ;-)

Pheew! Safe, so long as I remain on my native continent. :)

Think what the world would miss, if your actions should transport me
to another realm--a talkative, impulsive batling, trying hard to be an
angel here below. :unreal2:


Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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