Hello Allie!

On Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 7:19 PM, you wrote:

MB>> However, if one cannot choose, in View/Global View Mode the
MB>> option "No View Mode," why is it there and why does it allow me
MB>> to put a tick--a dot--beside it to choose it?

AM> You can choose it. What you're doing when you choose this option
AM> is specifying that you do not wish all your folders to be using a
AM> single view mode. You're freeing up the folders to be configured
AM> to use their own specific view modes. I have that options
AM> selected.

Allie, my question above to Nick Andriash was in the nature of a
rhetorical question because he had stated that "No View Modes" was not
a choice option. I think perhaps he was looking in
Options/Preferences/Messages/View Modes when he wrote his argument to
me, although I didn't figure that out when I replied to him with the
comment to which you have replied.

Obviously, I can *choose* it, in The Bat!/View/Global View Modes. I
*have* chosen it.

And if your analysis and that of Stuart Cuddy is correct--and i
believe that it is--the drop-down menu is working as designed.

But the wording is quite confusing, as I said in my other post in
Reply to you this morning, in that one has no clue when using The
Bat!/View/Sort-by that settings chosen there are now, since v. 2.11,

So. Either keep the function of The Bat!/View/Sort-by temporary.
Stuart Cuddy regards that behavior as useful. And re-word the
drop-down menu to reflect that changes made here in Sort-by are
temporary and specific for the particular folder.

Or: Change the behavior of The Bat!/View/Sort-by to make it consistent
with what happens when one clicks on a Column Name or when one
configures the parameters in The
Bat!/Options/Preferences/Messages/View Modes.

I may be getting there. I'm heading toward putting an amending note to
my BT report on this issue,


Best regards,
The Bat (Professional Edition) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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