Hello beta testers.

Today our exchange server was upgraded from 5.5 to 6.5. Telnet-ing to it
on port 143 gives the following response: Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
IMAP4rev1 server version 6.5.7226.0.

Before this upgrade, the DNS was exchange.stibo.com but now it's called

I accessed it via IMAP before (I think the TB! Exchange functionality is
_very_ limited - e.g. I cannot decide which folders I want to have
displayed - and seems more POP3-like than IMAP-like ("Messages
management > Delete messages from server").

Issues with the new Exchange server:

  1) IMAP: I cannot move messages to another folder. Yes, I can dump the
     messages there but they're not re-fetched on accessing the folder.
     If I open LookOut 2003, they are clearly visible. All folders are
     set to Full synchronize in TB! The counts are correct, but not all
     messages are shown!

  2) Accessing via Exchange protocol will set the Date of all messages
     to the date they are fetched - so now I have 3.104 messages with
     the same time stamp!

As of now I am forced to use Outlook because of 1, so please somebody
help me!

Best regards,  
Peter Fjelsten (using on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1)
IMAP/Exchange issues:                  Days since reported:
No Drafts folder (0002080)             328

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