Hello Zygmunt!

On Wednesday, October 27, 2004, 3:59 PM, you wrote:

MB>> Happening to anyone else?

ZW> Not to me, so I cannot confirm. I tried to reproduce this "greedy
ZW> quoting", but always the result was as below:

< ... >

ZW> I have all smiley handles in quoted text.

Thanks for checking, Zygmunt. Let me just confirm with you:

1) You selected by highlighting the quoted text in a Folder View
window, using Rich Text View?

2) You used a shortcut key or Shift/Arrow to call the MicroEd Edit
Mail Message Reply window?

3) All the Smiley handles were quoted?

When no one replied, I went to BT and Re-opened the Issue at


It's minor in a way, but it created an embarrassing misunderstanding
here on tbbeta for me earlier, and I don't like to have to be watching
out all the time for the failure to quote a Smiley in a Reply.

Best regards,
The Bat Rush on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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