Hello tbbeta,

I just finished downloading the latest Beta, Rush and wanted
to report a problem I just encountered while opening it.

I was very happy to see that the IMAP improvements are included in
this version. And that is why I am reporting this problem. I am not
for sure if this has been reported or not, as I just joined the list.

When I start the program, my IMAP Account starts sounding off with the
message received .wav file I have selected. Surprised me, as I had
forgotten I had it set in the Released version. :)

What I mean is that it continues to repeat the same sound. Even
though I have not received any mail. To turn this off I go into
Account/Properties/Sound and unchecked the box for sound. BUT, if I
re-click the box, it will not start over again.

This only happens when I start the program.

Just reporting problems with this version.

Best regards,
 Michael       :texasflag:           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Registered Linux User #367776

Oh, sure! You'd like it if it was the Lost Hope Diet!

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