On Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 3:54:10 PM, MAU sculpted a piece of
raw silicon into the thoughts below:

> Same here except for a slight difference. I usually keep several
> versions of TB executable in the same installation directory (sharing it
> as well as message base, etc.) with slightly different names and with
> shortcuts to each on my desktop.

Oh dear, do we have to get through this again? It's been done

I have a message base of, say, crucial importance. Backed up, of
course, but still needed for everyday work.

If I keep running a Release version, I'm happy and it works nicely.

If I run a Beta EXE, I have to shut my Release version down, and back
up my mail base. Fine, fine, but what if I want to just continue
working, instead of JUST testing?

The solution is very, very simple, and that is why I don't understand
why it's not done yet. Changing the IDs by which TB! chooses its
registry keys AND determines that it is running AND where/how it
installs would solve all problems. I could install a "The Bat! Beta"
to a different directory, with a different registry key, with a
different mail base, running simultaneously with my "The Bat!"
release installation, one never interfering with the other.

> This way, I can easily start the version I want/need at a certain
> moment.

Well, you may be happy with completely separate "testing" and
"working" time slices. I am not. I need to have a reliable e-mail
client running 24/7. I'm not willing to shut it down just to test a
new version that could well blow my message base to pieces and force
me to restore from a backup. And backups don't solve ALL problems!
What if I receive a very important message when running a badly broken
beta? I don't have a backup of THAT message, right? And KABOOM goes
the message base. Oops. Message gone.

 |\  /|      \~~~/     \~~~/
 | \/ |  /\   > <  \~/  > <    ICQ# 3146019
 |____| /__\ /___\ /_\ /___\    IQ# 3.14159
Random church bulletin blooper: For those of you who have children and
don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Flyin' high with The Bat! v3.0.1.33
over the swamps of Windows 2000 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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