Hello Tony!

On Saturday, October 30, 2004, 5:22 AM, you wrote:

TF>> Go to the bug tracker (issue tracker) and switch from bugs to
TF>> wishes

TB>  At the risk of sounding ignorant, how do I get there please?

Tony, go here: https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/main_page.php

If you only wish to see what Wishes have been placed so far, then from
the Main page, select View Issues and click on it.

Then in the top right-hand corner of View Issues, there's a drop-down
menu, Switch. In that menu, select "The Bat Wishes" and then click on
the word "SWitch" to the right of the drop-down menu.

If you wish to place a wish, go back to the Main page,


(You don't have to use the URL again, of course, just click on "Main")


1) Create an account, if you don't already have one.
2) Click on "Report Issue"
3) In the drop-down menu Select Project/Choose Project click on "The
   Bat Wishes"
4) Below this field, double-click the rectangular box with the text
"Select Project." That part seems to be important--the double-click.
Took me a lot of trial and error to discover that. Plus, having
"Select Project" as the wording two times confused me. It's the lower
one which should be double-clicked to get to a page where one can put
a Wish.

To add a note to someone else's wish, you have to have an Account and
be logged in, also.

If I've told more than you need to know, please excuse me.

One thing that warms my heart about you, Tony, is that you are so
knowledgeable and such a long-time user of The Bat!, and yet you are
always self-confident in asking questions about things you don't
understand or have missed finding out for other reasons.

:star: to you!

Best regards,
The Bat Rush on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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