>> That's why I asked for the option to configure it to each wishes,
>> either down to the systray or exit. Then each of us can have her/his
>> own preference here.

> Programs currently running that behave this way with
> or without the option to configure the X buttons behaviour:

> My antivirus agent .. F-Secure or Kapersky antivirus

Yes, here too are such programs. Add f.i. Some other
and emailclients that excellent Spamfilter K9 for TB to them
and many more, like:
Serv-U FTP Server
BlackIce Firewall
Yankee Clipper (great XP clipboard replacement!)

How is it? Did at least one of the coding-people read this
thread? :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Gunivortus Goos   

The Bat! Rush under WinXP Pro 5, built 2600, Service Pack 1                    

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