Hello Miroslav,

  A reminder of what Miroslav Florensen typed on:
  31 October 2004 at 20:12:35 GMT +0100

MF>    In this case you must copy both files *.PNG,*.BMP or *.JPG and the
MF>    'batskin.ini' into the TheBat! directory.
MF>    You need the version v3.x to integrate this glyph.

 Now I sussed it, I was right clicking and saving the image, didn't dawn on
 me to download them in zip format. No instructions on the site of what to
 do, well, not in English anyway.

 Thank you anyway for the info but after looking at over 60 different glyph
 files I didn't see any that look half as good as V3's inbuilt set.

 And why is unbuilt a word and not inbuilt? I think that's a major bug in
 the British dictionary! Maybe not a bug but certainly an error. I found 9
 on line dictionary entries for inbuilt and only 3 for unbuilt.

 I've been a bricklayer working on building sites for over 25 years and
 never have I ever been asked to "Unbuild" something!

 Oooops, slight digression during the spell check, sorry :)


Best regards,    Tony.   
 The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush   31/10/2004 at 20:13 UTC   2ии4 - AWB

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