On Tuesday, November 2, 2004, at 09:44:26 [UTC+0100] (Tuesday, November 2,
2004 09:44 my local time) Marcus Ohlström wrote:

>> Both filters are attached here in one text file.

> Now they work even worse. Did you change anything except the templates?

I modified the export template in Add_Reference to following one:

%Subpatt(1)%Subpatt(2)In-Reply-To: %Clipboard
References: %Clipboard

As you can see, both "In-Reply-To: and "References" fields are filled with
clipboard contents, so before the filter is triggered, the Message ID from
referenced message must be copied to clipboard. It must have correct
format, i.e., <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (including triangle brackets). It

In Remove_Reference export template removes both "In-Reply-To: and
"References" fields, as you can see below:



Empty line before the last one is significant! In my both filters the
original message is exported in Unix format to the file "C:\Temp\Unix_Msg.txt".
Then the name and path of this file are used in templates (see each first
line in templates). Did you change this according to your configuration?

Additionally, modified messages which were exported as text to
"C:\Temp\export.msg", are then imported as Unix messages. This is achieved
by means of following command line:

C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe /IMPORTF=INBOX;X;I="C:\Temp\export.msg"

Unix format in import is forced by "X" option in this command. Do you have
this option in your filters? I checked both filters on two The Bat!
installations and haven't found errors.

It seems that only the file "Unix_Msg.txt" attached by you is correct.
Your modified message saved in "export.msg" file has only two fields
resulting from pasting the clipboard contents, so please check the first
line in export template.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with BayesIt! 0.7.4)

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