Hello Thomas,

On Tuesday, November 02, 2004 at 20:41:27 GMT +0700 (which was
14:41:27 where I live), Thomas Fernandez wrote and made these valuable
points on the subject of "Temporary Excess?":

> Hello Tony,

> On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 19:24:31 +0000 GMT (02/11/2004, 02:24 +0700 GMT),
> Tony Boom wrote:

TB>>   I've just found over 140 bat.tmp files in my temp folder, is this normal
TB>>   or excessive?

> No, this is not normal. Each time I check my Windows/Temp directory, I
> have several hundreds or even thousands of those 0-bite files, and
> *that's* normal. <eg>

> I have no automatic AV monitoring, I check for viruses only manually.
> However, when I look at the time stamp of these files, they seem to be
> created at times when my dial-up connection fails. I have no such
> bat*.tmp files at all in the office, where I am permanently connected
> to the internet.

I have an ADSL connection at home and a LAN connection in the office and in both 
places TB is generating .tmp file in my TEMP directory. Those files are also generated 
upon successful receipt of e-mails. As this seems to be a long outstanding problem, 
every now and then I simply delete those files.

Best regards,

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