On Wednesday, 03 November 2004 at 23:03 (UK time), Stuart Cuddy said:

> I now have downgraded to 3.01.33 and it is working as it should. It is
> odd though that it became corrupt on my machine only.

Stuart, I am also seeing this problem (on 2 Win98 PCs) and posted about
this several days ago although there was little feedback on the problem. I
have logged this on the Bt as bug #0003983. Sadly, no-one else, even 9Val,
can confirm that this bug exists so we may have to put up with it for a
while. I see you are also a Win98 user so perhaps that is the problem
although I don't see why it should be.

I have tested creating new filters, deleting the .SRB file and doing
everything I can possibly think of but as far as I am concerned I have no
common filters on either of my Win98 PCs with a 3.0.2.x build. Like you,
if I go back to then my common filters work again one I have
selected the various account check boxes on the 'Shared With..' tab.

Perhaps you could add a comment in the BT for me? Thanks.
Paul White

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