[ Sunday, November 7, 2004 at 21.18.31 (GMT +0100)]

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, at 21:13:26 [GMT+0100] (which was 07/11/2004, at
21.13 where I live ) you wrote:

MO> Not as a solution, but maybe as a workaround: Has anyone tried setting
MO> up a fresh TB! with encryption turned on and then *imported* (not
MO> restored) their old message bases?

Yes i have just tried to import some folder and TB has encrypted it
But all others setting's folder are lost.
Probabily restoring also a .reg backup can help, but you have to
change again tthis key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The
Bat!\EncryptedLayerMode to the value choosed in the new installation
of the Bat when prompted (aladdin token, password..etc).

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===================================      21.18

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