Hello Marcus,

 On  Mon, 8 Nov 2004 at 15:39:12 [GMT +0100] (which was 15:39 where I live) you 

MO> On Monday, November 8, 2004, 14:33, Stuart Cuddy wrote:

>> Would a possible solution be to have a key/mouse combination that
>> when a message is dragged from one folder to another, (ie.
>> Ctrl/drag), it is parked automatically in the destination folder.

MO> A workaround is to park the message, *copy* it to the new folder,
MO> unpark and then delete the original.

An other one is to use a 'park' color, a filter that color every park
messages and an other one to park every colored messages.

Regards,             Alain

                     The Bat! 2.12.03
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