On Monday, November 8, 2004, at 00:29:52 [UTC+0200] (Monday, November 8,
2004 23:29 my local time) Avi Yashar wrote:

>> For  instance,  mine starts with Monday but I don't know if it changes
>> with the regional settings.

> My Control Panel calendar (under Date & Time Properties starts with
> Sunday, and it stays Sunday even when I change time zones. There is no
> setting under Control Panel Regional Settings that changes the way
> that calendar looks. But under Regional Options, my "Standards and
> formats" are specified to be "English (United States)" and my
> "Location" is "United States".

Very interesting discussions on calendars can be found at

ISO defined strict numbering of weeks, days of week, etc. I think it should
be used (and probably is) in The Bat! to avoid misunderstanding of time and
date in scheduler.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with )

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