Hello Roelof Otten & everyone else

on 09-Nov-2004 at 02:20:39 (GMT +0100), you wrote:

BA>> Which? Can I set a filter to this?

> Well, you could try to filter on a mail send by one of the Ritlabs
> guys (put them into your AB) sending a new message. (No In-Reply-To:
> header present)

I have a Virtual Folder for that (I did mention it before, yeeees):

  Sender contains "@ritlabs."
  message source does not contain "References:"

(pity we can't copy&paste VF filter conditions like standard filters :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.2.6 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

About 1978, IBM put out a poster touting the virtues of VM. On this
poster was the text: "If it's there and you can see it - it's real. If
it's not there and you can see it - it's virtual. If it's there and
you can't see it - it's transparent. If it's not there and you can't
see it - you erased it!"

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