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On 17-11-2004 18:20, you [PVN] wrote in
PVN> I did not realize it takes 15 swats with a sledge hammer by several
PVN> people to pound a single carpet tack.

Because you made several "errors" that needed pointing out. Also,
someone might not be aware that the roles have been broken. This is the
reason for the several moderator messages.

PVN> Why wasn't there a welcoming message explaining the rules?

You didn't? OK, this sounds like a mistake. You should have. The
moderators can send you the list rules I am sure.

PVN> What I don't appreciate is sifting the info for something of value
PVN> past the first message.

I don't understand what you mean by this?

PVN> I am very busy. I am self-employed so I don't have deep pockets
PVN> available to pay me for lost time.

It is always voluntary participating here... :)

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
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