At 23:06 [GMT+0000] on Thursday December 16 (actual time - 7:06am on Friday in
Perth, Western Australia), you wrote:


MC>> Any ideas? I've hunted through the prefs, etc, but as we all know, it's 
not as
MC>> intuitive as it could be  

Tony>  At first glance I'd say it was because you had a chevron before AND 
after his
Tony>  name.

Tony>  They can produce weird things which is why I used the word "chevron" 

I think that's just the generic quote thing from me cutting and pasting into
the new message. As you can see, it's doing the same to your reply above.
(Well, it is for me.) The "MC" quotes show up in orange, but the "Tony" quotes
just show in the normal colour, whereas in your reply, my stuff showed in
green, as it should have.

If I didn't shave my head every morning, I'd tear my hair out...


cheers, Mic (reply address works)
Worry doesn't help tomorrow's troubles, but it does ruin today's happiness.

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