On Tuesday, 28 December 2004 at 13:18 (UK time), Tony Boom said:

>  Just replaced all the existing 0.7 files with the 0.8 files from the zip and
>  everything is fine, no crashes, no moans or groans from The Bat or Bayesit.

Nor here, although I take it you mean you replaced the 0.77 files with 0.78
files. :)

I did have problems a few releases ago and submitted and added to several
bug reports on the Bug Tracker. Those reports were not confirmed or
commented on by any other user so I assumed I was alone in experiencing
this type of problem.

Sorry but to those now suffering crashes I have to say in typical TBBETA

'Not confirmed'

Paul White

Using The Bat! (Home Edition) on Windows 98 (4.10.1998)

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