On August 9, 2003, I wrote:
I wrote:

I'm now unable to access my messages using TB. No matter which
folder I click on, I'm connected to the server, then immediately
get the error message, "IMAP - Server closed connection".

Am I the only one with this problem?

9val said he had found what was causing it, but I just installed the latest beta, and no change. I can completely unable to read my IMAP email.

This happened to me again today. I'm now running, and things had been working so much better that I was seriously thinking I might be able to switch back to The Bat! And now my account is inaccessible again. :-(

Val, are you there? What did you think was the problem in August? (That was 2.13 days!) Any new ideas at this point?


Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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