Hello Fabio,

Friday, January 7, 2005, 10:36:42 AM, you wrote:

SR>> Nope, not here, no false positives here since installing it.

> you may not believe this but your message was my first false positive.

LOL, must be my sig :)


ICQ: 679813 YAHOO: thecivvie
Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AIM: tcobone
Vodafone +353879120530
HamMails:      7805
SpamMails:     255
detected Ham:  7250 (99.46%)
detected Spam: 189 (53.97%)
FALSE Ham detected:  87
FALSE Spam detected: 39
HamMails:      7805
SpamMails:     255
detected Ham:  7250 (99.46%)
detected Spam: 189 (53.97%)
FALSE Ham detected:  87
FALSE Spam detected: 39

How about never? Is never good for you?

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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