Hi Goncalo,

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, at 23:33:53 [GMT +0000] (which was 4:33 PM where
I live) you wrote:
GF> Gesh! Huge task.. don't know how you can manage that just by yourself.

Netiquette exists for the same reason it's considered impolite to eat
mashed potatoes with your hands. The adults learned that, the children
still don't get it. If someone is either too impolite to follow
netiquette, or still can't seem to figure it out even after tons of
help, then I'm sorry, but they aren't staying around on my list.

GF> You're being demagog.

Has nothing to do with trying to gain power. I already have it, always
did. That kind of happens when your the creator of something. What
matters is wielding that power for the greater benefit of all
involved. There's a great number of subscribers on this list who I
consider family, and I try to run the lists like I run my household.
If someone's tracking mud in my house, they're gonna be in trouble.

It's the primary reason the TB lists are consistently lauded as the
best run lists on the internet. We run these list because we have
great pride in them being the best not because we like the abuse.

GF> No big deal with that. I already justify all the text and that
GF> really ONLY affects people that actually reply to the message.

???? Lost me...

At any rate, long as people follow the rules, I'm a happy god, err.
mod. Kinda tricky when there is only one letter difference..


Leif  -:-  TB Lists Moderator  -:-  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F

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